Sunday, February 27, 2011

Human Trafficking Collage

It was not long ago that I did a piece (collage) entitled What of Justice which focused on the rape and murder of three families and the cry that the public should have in protecting our children and strengthening our laws on those who would bring harm to children. I personally have contacted the Klaas family, Lunsford Family and the Walsh family.

Since that time, another issue has come up affecting children throughout the world. It has resulted in me creating another collage entitled Human Trafficking. This occurrence is essentially the abduction and the selling of children through slave trade. Imagine, SLAVERY in the 21st Century. Has Mankind evolved? We as a society cannot deafen our ears and close our eyes to this horrendous problem afflicting the World. Some of the children are actually abducted from their parent’s home, through their friends, or may be runaways and are befriended by opportunists, or rather what I would call sheer evil. I have been introduced to some Federal Law Enforcement people and to a Coalition in Broward County who want to take the weight of the problem on their own shoulders.

The collage HUMAN TRAFFICKING is comprised of much symbolism. The focus is placed on the ugliness of slavery and the face of a child affected by it. The Ten Commandments is in the piece to symbolize God’s freeing the Jews from the Egyptians declaring that slavery has no place in humanity. Other symbols included are documents from the Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, Bill of Rights, etc. There is an image of newspapers stacked to show one way that children and adult women are lured into trafficking through deceptive advertisements. With the sophistication of the computer, these despicable people are now using the internet through such sites as Craig’s List, Back Page dot com, and other such sites. I personally have noticed that many models are also using these sites for castings which are not wise. Other alternatives of models and actresses for castings are The Call Sheets by Back Stage Magazine and the Hollywood Reporter.

The purpose of this piece is to bring heighten awareness for each of us to act by placing more pressure on our elected officials and to keep our eyes and ears open.

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