Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Tale of Two Realities

A Tale of Two Realities

It is the Best of Times and it is the Worst of Times. This quote was taken from the well read novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. That statement applies to the events of today. With the rising of unemployment, an increase in homeless families and especially children, with the continuous saga of the many wars that America is in, we are undergoing unbelievable turmoil.

With the many stresses plaguing the citizens of America, there are many broken people. Many of these people live in communities which essentially there is no community. Communities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and South Florida where people come and go with stakes in that area. There are people who are essentially lost. As a result of this, there are many people who have gotten in the inspirational, coaching, and empowerment business. There are some real people but there are some people who are essentially just plain FRAUD. These people also use others to promote their workshops while not paying for the people’s skills that help to make the event. They are vultures in this world that we live in. There are real coaches that are skilled in their respective profession.

I met someone not too long ago through a friend that is one of these types of people. In these times, you should be very careful in associating yourself with such people. MLM (Multi Level Marketing) businesses also prey on people who are lost with great hopes of achieving unbelievable successes. MLMs will make the claim that it is there own business but in reality, they are somewhat controlled in the manner they operate. The person I met is involved in MLM businesses and specifically targets women who are in the MLM business. The people targeted are especially vulnerable.

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