Sunday, October 16, 2011


Marc Gagnon, photographic artist, recently did a photographic art collage that defines the life of Jacques Wiesel, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Sales Trainer and Humanitarian. Jacques Wiesel recently published a book which is his autobiography. The name of the book is 9 Knockdowns 5 Miracles. Jacques is a holocaust survivor although he has never spent time in a concentration camp. His family luckily had a strong feeling to flee Brussels before it was too late. Jacques Wiesel escaped to America where he landed on Ellis Island. The photographic art piece that Gagnon created is actually on the back cover of his cover while Mr. Wiesel’s cover is a painting that was done by his first wife, Carol Morris.
Here is the link to Jacques Wiesel's recent interview 
Elie Wiesel has been well noted by historians for his brave survival of the imprisonment at a concentration camp.  His life though has been totally defined by that life experience.  He has written books of his experience and retells the story again and again.  Marc Gagnon did another collage entitled THE HOLOCAUST COLLAGE which makes a statement that we as a society should go forward and work discovery and gain strength from our differences. Obviously, Elie Wiesel wants the World not to forget so that the World does not journey down the same path again.
What makes Jacques Wiesel so different is that the Holocaust experience does not totally define his existence.  When he stepped on America soil, he dedicated his life to make this Word a better place. He surpassed all job expectations in sales related jobs. He then began to train others to reach the same results. He has written articles for a number of publications from the Northeast of America to Florida. He has also written four books focused at improving one’s life.  Gagnon was told at his art function in Newport RI by a Mr. Rubenstein that he had met up with a Buster Patrick at a function in Las Vegas. Buster Patrick is an actor who played the character of Eddie Munster of the hit show The Munsters. The show only lasted two years. Some 40 or so years later Buster Patrick’s life is focused on only 2 years of his existence in the past. With regards to Jacques Wiesel, his emphasis is to learn from the past to make you stronger today and to envision the future.  Elie Wiesel’s experience is not being down played by Gagnon but Jacques Wiesel is a person with his vision on the future and not stuck in the past.

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