Saturday, April 30, 2011

Challenger Space Shuttle collage

Challenger Space Shuttle collage

The Challenger Space Shuttle collage is a historical piece dedicated to the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger which lifted off on January 28th, 1986. Of course what was different from this space shuttle in comparison to the ones prior to, is one of its crew members. Christa McAuliffe, the school teacher who taught at Concord High School in New Hampshire. She was an example for teachers everywhere who inspired her students to learn in her Social Studies classroom. She realized that it is the children who will shape our planet in the future.  The wisest investment we as a society can make is in our children. As she would say, “We should open ourselves to Options we never consider, to chart the unknown possibilities.”

The Challenger Space Shuttle collage was released to the McAuliffe Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, NH on January 28th, 2011, the 25th anniversary of the lift off and unfortunately the tragic disaster. Christa McAuliffe was a school teacher in New Hampshire, one of our smallest States of the USA. Yet she was chosen out of teachers nationwide to make this heroic mission. It does not matter the size of New Hampshire but the quality of the people that come from there. I felt privileged to meet so many great people of that State and I was part of it for some 37 years.

The Concord Monitor published an article of the Challenger Space Shuttle collage and NH Magazine featured the piece on its website.Concord Monitor News Story on the Challenger Space Shuttle collage accepted by the State of NH

NH Magazine News Story on the Challenger Space Shuttle collage accepted by the State of NH

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jacques Weisel, Writer, Mentor and Coach

Jacques Weisel, Writer, Mentor and Coach

As a photographic artist, I choose a variety of subjects and topics for my collage art pieces. The art pieces range from beauty, historical, social impact, spiritual, mythological, landscapes (geographical), and soon. There is the rare occasion that I pick a topic involving a current person. I chose Jacques Weisel to do a piece on because of his dramatic experience of escaping the Holocaust. The Holocaust has been down played by individuals and has been down played by even groups of cultures. More important, Jacques has dedicated himself to not only bettering himself, but in bettering others through his writing, coaching, and speaking.

What is somewhat a paradox is where Mr. Weisel lives, South Florida. To adequately describe it, it is a large used car lot. People are constantly selling their products to you like no other place. I have been approached some 67 times in various pyramid get rich schemes. In addition, I have met an enormous amount of coaches in South Florida and most of them have no degrees, life experiences and learned their profession in one weekend. These coaches also use strong armed tactics to get people to buy their products. Such groups as Self Discovery, Tony Robbins, and Landmark Forum are all the same. They have no degrees in Psychology or the extensive life experiences to sufficiently impact people’s lives.

Coaches are only as good as the sum of their experiences. How can they be any good if they were trained over a weekend? If a coach has not been published and featured in the news, how well skilled are they? As a former Psychology graduate who met one of the most influential Psychologists of the century, Carl Rogers, listening is the most effective tool to impact someone’s life. Most coaches could not tell you what it means. Such listening techniques as Clarification, Rephrasing, Probing, etc. are done. Florida is a place where very few people actually listen. Many people in Florida approach me and ask me if I am still doing my paintings. There is so much BS here, very few bother to listen as they cannot distinguish what is real and what is not. It was only last week that I was approached for a Ponzi Scheme, another Rothstein. The only reason there are scams in South Florida is because there is a MARKET FOR IT because essentially very few people actually LISTEN. I have seen many people turn themselves off from Jacques Weisel because his major theme is to help others listen. Jacques has been published hundreds of times, has been featured in the news, and has experienced and survived the unthinkable which is why I created the collage JACQUES WEISEL, A PORTRAIT OF A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR. Pictured below is the collage piece, A picture of Weisel and Gagnon. Also below is a picture of former Mayor Scott Brook which Scott tributes his victory to the coaching of Jacques Weisel.

 Jacques Weisel Story