Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jacques Wiesel as Essayist

Jacques Wiesel as Essayist

Jacques Wiesel, Author, Motivational Speaker and Coach has a column in the Our Town News in Coral Springs. The articles range from a variety of topics and much of the subject matter is reflected in his four published books. His books are Options from Within, How to Survive and Thrive in a Concrete Jungle, Bloom Where You're Planted, and 9 Knockdowns and 5 Miracles (Autobiography). Recently, Carol Morris did a painting of Jacques Wiesel and made him into a modern day Benjamin Franklin. Jacques is a strong willed individual with strong voiced opinions. Most great writers in the past demonstrated these traits. Jacques recently spoke at a Rotary Club in Coral Springs and briefly covered all four books. Jacques also has a series of tapes for sale.  Jacques background for training is the sales industry which he was number 1 in four international companies.

Jacques Wiesel's speech at Rotary Club at Heron Bay, Coral Springs
Above is Jacques Wiesel and a former military officer in WW II. They were re-united recently at a Jewish Community Center talk.